Tiger Stadium Lives To See Another Day

Good news for anyone who is a fan of old ballparks. Yesterday, members of the Toger Stadium Conservancy presented the Detroit City Council with proof of $219,000 in escrow – enough funds to stave off the final destruction of what remains of the ballpark at the corner of Michigan & Trumbull.

As reported on MLB.com, this is just the first step:

The next step is two-fold as the conservancy delves deeper into the planning stages for the project. It faces a Dec. 1 deadline to present redevelopment designs and budgets to the DEGC for approval. Estimates for the project have been forecast around $15 million.
Those designs, Gillette said, have been ongoing. It has been a unique challenge simply because there’s no precedent. Most if not all old ballparks have been torn down once teams move to new ones, with maybe a monument or home-plate location noted where a stadium once stood.
“We have been all along working on the long-term plan,” Gillette said. “In fact, the long-term plan has been more solid than the short-term plan,”
If the designs are approved, the conservancy will then have until Dec. 10 to pay another $150,000 deposit.
All the while, the conservancy will be trying to finalize funding for predevelopment costs as well as the larger project itself. That work has been going on since the summer. Now that they’ve met the first fundraising deadline and demonstrated the effort’s viability, the other fundraising sources are expected to step up

Tiger Stadium was an amazing place to see a ballgame. It’s a shame that of the big 4 (Wrigley, Fenway, Yankee, and Tiger), Tiger Stadium was too often forgotten and hardly thought of in terms of the history of the game.

Too often we tear down the past to make way for the future, only to regret what we have done years later. Don’t let that happen to Tiger Stadium. To get more information on the plans and to find out about supporting the effort to save this historic landmark, check out http://savetigerstadium.org/

>Mets Will Sell Anything – Even Seaver's Locker.

>Faith & Fear Correctly Asks…Must The Mets Sell EVERYTHING even Seaver’s locker?

Why wouldn’t you preserve the locker of your only indisputable Hall of Famer and display it somewhere at Ebbets Faux? Why wouldn’t you fix it up, recreate its 1969 persona, embellish it with era-specific equipment and a few Tom tchotchkes and place it somewhere where Mets fans could oohand aah over it?

The answer of course is that they don’t understand nor respect the fanbase.

The Mets need $41,000.    If they don’t have that $41,000 the franchise might fold.   Now a cynic might think they easily make $41,000 in parking every time they make us drive to Flushing when the game will obviously be rained out.   The cynic thinks that maybe you could have paid Jose Catillo $41 grand less.   That;s just being cynical.   The Mets need $41,000.   They also need to pay me back for the playoff tickets they sold me.  Isn’t that fraud?

Mets Will Sell Anything – Even Seaver’s Locker.

Faith & Fear Correctly Asks…Must The Mets Sell EVERYTHING even Seaver’s locker?

Why wouldn’t you preserve the locker of your only indisputable Hall of Famer and display it somewhere at Ebbets Faux? Why wouldn’t you fix it up, recreate its 1969 persona, embellish it with era-specific equipment and a few Tom tchotchkes and place it somewhere where Mets fans could oohand aah over it?

The answer of course is that they don’t understand nor respect the fanbase.

The Mets need $41,000.    If they don’t have that $41,000 the franchise might fold.   Now a cynic might think they easily make $41,000 in parking every time they make us drive to Flushing when the game will obviously be rained out.   The cynic thinks that maybe you could have paid Jose Catillo $41 grand less.   That;s just being cynical.   The Mets need $41,000.   They also need to pay me back for the playoff tickets they sold me.  Isn’t that fraud?

>Root, Root, for the ……WHO???

>I am torn, I love baseball so even though the Mets gagged it up I have been tuning into the playoffs – what am I going to do – watch hockey, watch my 401(k) go down further?? So to make things more interesting I feel I need to have a dog in the race. So who to choose?



– dislike the Phils because they beat my team but I admire the grit. These guys want it more than the Mets do 10 times out of 10.
– great alternate uni’s – and they wear them in the playoffs! nice work.
– Charlie Manuel – guy gets hammered for his game strategy but they seem to play for the guy, plus his Mom died today so winning a pennant would be a nice distraction.


– the ballpark is annoying, I hate bandboxes.



– like the ‘Hey Hank Steinbrenner – SUCK IT’ angle with Torre managing
– road uniforms are nice, got rid of the white trim (hey Yankees – look into this)


– still lingering dislike of Dodgers from childhood because they wiped the floor with the Mets – plus -eff them – they abandoned Brooklyn and then 35 years later had the balls to sue a little bar in Brooklyn that called itself ‘The Brooklyn Dodger’. Eff off, the word Brooklyn isn’t owned by your club.
– I have read too many comments from people saying the owner and his wife are annoying and stick their nose into baseball matters – this isn’t a toy, it’s a team – hire people who know what they’re doing and leave them alone
– fans in LA – the cheering of a crowd in LA sounds like the crowd at a Met afternoon game when they let the camp kids come. Yes, LA fans sound like a bunch of screaming, annoying children – and then they leave early to beat traffic. It’s the playoffs! The games start early for TV?? It’s 8:30 – where are you going????? At least the kids make it to the 8th before they leave.
– Manny – guy quit on his teammates, knocked down a 64 year old guy because he didn’t get him 16! tickets for his friends/family on short notice, has Scott Boras as his agent and had the stones to call out Boston mgmt and ownership when they bent over backwards for him and by the way paid him over 160 million bucks over his time there. MOSFU Manny.

As you can tell the Dodger con list is extensive. Go Phillies. Really going out on a limb here because they are now up 2-0 but hey you gotta pick sides sometimes.

>Come On Ray, Grow Up

>Jim Baubach reports in today’s Newsday that the reason 1986 WS MVP Ray Knight did not come out for Shea’s Closing Ceremony is that there is still bitterness left from the way the Mets treated him following the 1986 season.

The relationship soured because of their failed negotiations that following
off-season, but after all these years there has no been reconciliation, no
hug-it-out moment.

Twice, the Mets invited Knight back for events at Shea

Twice, Knight declined their invite.

Baubach goes on to report that Knight claimed he had prior commitments both times. However, for the Shea closing Knight was given the time off from his job as a Washington Nationals announcer – he choose to decline the time off.

Look, the Mets – specifically Frank Cashen – did a lot of stupid things following the 86 World Series, including not resigning Knight. But Ray it’s been 22 years. The Mets have made overtures to you – GROW UP