Mets Police Gets Some Tampa Love

We got some love from the Tampa Bay Sports Blog which is where I crib some of my Rays obsession notes….so click the blue underline and thank them from us, and keep on the latest Scott Kazmir news.

Speaking of the Rays who figured out that home grown talent and fleecing dopey teams of your pitchers is a great way to win, the same blog tells us MLB put the Rays in a commercial!

Just think, this time next year the Rays will be defending the AL East title while Hank Steinbrenner’s Yankees play across the street from the ghosts.  Welcome to Century 21 everyone.

Pedro Bizarro World

You may notice I didn’t razz Pedro this week, either before the game he pitched and definitely not after.

What strikes me as odd is that I read a bunch of articles and heard a ton of callers and radio hosts suddenly switching to my point of view.  The general vibe all oif a sudden is that Pedro isn’t reliable and can’t go a long time in a game.  HELLO welcome to the Mets Police. Been telling you that since April!

What I don’t get is why now?  He’s been pretty good the last two times out and gave you a little bit of length.  Why is everyone jumping on my badnwagon now?  I’m happy to have you, but why now?

Olympics Opening Ceremonies

The opening ceremonies were absolutely amazing.   Those were some of the most amazing images I’ve ever seen.   That “boxes” thing being done without computers – humans inside boxes – amazing.  That thing with the globe and people racing around it defying gravity – I can’t even begin to imagine how they did that.

Hats off to whoever the choreographer is.

I’m watching the parade of nations now – also very cool.  How much fun to see all the people from differemt lands.

The telecast is very nice as well – watching it reminded me how nauseating Katie Couric was last time around.  Costas as always is being understated and a great listen.

We’ll be paying lots of attention to Misty May (sigh -Treanor) around these parts the next 17 days.

Oh yeah, the Mets won.

The New Jersey Marlins

I think it would be cool if there were a team in Northern New Jersey.  

This article here discusses the economic viability of the top ten places MLB could place a team, and you may be surprised to see that NJ is number one.

Now before you roll your eyes remember that Fred Wilpon is still obsessed with the 1950’s – when the Dodgers and Giants played every 10 minutes, and these days we’re supposed to believe that the Mets-Yankees series is the end all be all….so give it a few years and maybe Mets-Marlins could be fun.