Lord Stanley’s Travels

The Sporting News did a complete makeover today – now it’s an, i dunno, e-paper. Sort of like The National but via email. i liked it a lot, and they make it easy to share things so here goes one:

Look Inside >>
July 23, 2008

Click the box and it will take you there.

Jerry: Jose Is Young And Forgetful

Heard Jerry this afternoon with Mike Francesca.

Jerry was talking about Jose Reyes and basically said (my words) Jose spaces out sometimes as young players do.

That’s nice except one thing.  This is Jose’s 6th season.  In 2000 Jeter was in his 6th season (5th full season) and about to win his fourth ring.  This young player thing doesn’t hold water.  Apparently young players can learn the game and stay focused.

So you’re saying, “Mets Police.  This is unfair.  Jose is only 25.  OK fine – that would be like Jeter in 1999, on his way to win a third ring.

At some point this young player thing expires and it’s time to admit he’s a flawed player.  The Mets marketing would like you to believe he’s the goods.  He’s not.  He’s good but not the goods.  He’s homegrown and not a Brave or Red Sock or Dodger so that’s a major bonus – I’d rather lose with the homegrowns than win with Rentals.

However, I warn you – he’s a Cylon.  Some day, in a clutch spot with everything on the line, he’s going to do something stupid.  Not strike out or make an error, that stuff happens, but something stupid.

A Day At Yankee Stadium – The End Nears!

Just back from a daygame at Yankee Stadium II.  Took Little Miss Mets Police with me – and as we left I told her to take one last look around because she’ll likely never be there again.  Very strange and starting to get real.

It was also probably my last day game there, a notion that also struck me.  I have a few tickets left including the final home game (thanks ESPN for making that 8:05).

Headed out to Monument Park – her first and last time there – and snapped some pics with the Babe, and I took one with Bob Sheppard.

Speaking of Shep – the pretape intro of Jeter just isn’t working for me.  I think part of the problem is that it sounds odd to continually say “now batting for the Yankees…”  Maybe someone can make an edit that picks up with the word shortstop.  

I think it would be better if they used Shep in the first inning only, and then let Jim Hall do the rest.

No truth to the rumor that A-Rod has asked Jim Hall to precord intros for him in case something happens to Hall.

From the mouths of babes:

Little Miss Mets Police noticed the two most popular players are Jeter and Rodrigez because those are the most common shirts.

She asked why (in pregame) they weren’t wearing pinstripes.   Then she asked why the “final season” logo looks like the new stadium not the present stadium.   This kid might have a blog someday!

26 games to go until the Girardi/Hank/Jim Hall Yankees play in Just Another Stadium.   

Mets Walk-offs Has A Cool Post

Hey fellas – go visit http://metswalkoffs.blogspot.com/ which has a cool post about the top moments at Shea.   I have to run out now and can’t do a proper sample.   Walkoffs you know how to find me, you’re very welcome to do a guest post here if you’d like.

My quickie – the top moment is Terry Pendleton breaking our backs 9/11/87.  I was there and won;t ever forget that.  You didn’t think I was going to pick something happy?

OK – something happy – Seaver walking in from the bullpen Opening Day 1983.  I was there too.  Oh wait, The Former Franchise doesn’t love us.  Nix that.  Pendleton it is.

Maine & Rain

Heard a lot of sports talk today – by the way someone tell 1050 we don’t need an update evry 10 minutes.

There are crazy people out there today:

1.  The Santana Moaners.    It’s 2008.  He pitched 8.   99% of the time people will not blow a three run lead.   Stuff happens.

2.   The Jerry Bashers.   He thought someone could pitch the 9th with under a 27.00 ERA.   Calm down.

3.  Aguayo Freaks.   Yep, I’m sure that if the Mets had won that the back page would have been about runners being thrown out.

One game.  Relax.

Even if they lose tonight, relax.

As for tonight, John Maine is on notice.  If I don’t see you on the mound in the 6th inning you will get a mean nickname like your pal Four Inning Pedro.  

Open to suggestions…hit comments.

Should be an interesting 24 hours with lots of rain in the forecast.  Be ready for a long night.