Michael Kay Doesn’t Care About You Either (Giants PSLs)

Nice to hear Kay forget from where he came. Today he spent part of his show sticking up for the Giants and personal seat licenses.

Kay of all people should understand that sports means so much more to the people of a city than being a business.

If it’s just a business then let the Giants pay for their own access roads. Let the Giants pay for extra police on gamedays.

Michael, when’s the last time you paid for a ticket? I’m sure you have had no problem getting into any sporting event for two decades now going back to your sportswriter days.

See if you can remember your former self. I don’t know your background but I’ll guess you don’t come from money. Think back to Daddy Kay saving some money to take you to a Yankee game. I bet the old man didn’t have a few extra thousand bucks for a PSL when he sent you to Fordham.

It’s easy to forget where you came from when sitting in the pressbox.

It’s even easier to forget your fans when you’re a millionaire’s son Tim.

Shame on you Giants.

Shame on you Michael Kay.

Sent via BlackBerry from T-Mobile

Yankees Security Slightly Less Ridculous

ESPN reports the Yankees have “lifted a ban on plastic containers of sunscreen at their ballpark after deciding “not to be as stringent,” team spokesman Jason Zillo said Tuesday.

Whew, the great terrorist sunscreen threat seems to have been reduced to code blue.

I wonder if the terrorists are still sneaking things in under baseball caps?  The Yankees make you remove your cap before enterting the stadium – you know, because why would any normal thinking person think they could wear a Yankees cap to Yankee Stadium.

Of course while checking the caps, making us show our cellphones (another uncommon item) and forbidding bags, they may often miss the guns, knives and shoe bombs being snuck in in plain sight.

One day, perhaps at Yankee Stadium III, the Yankees will allow their customers to bring a bag.  I know it’s crazy to think that someone would need to bring a bag to Yankee Stadium.   It’s not like anyone comes after work for a night game, or might bring a child and thus a need to bring a few extra items.

Nope, it’s best we keep the bags out.  I feel safe now that they’ve checked my cellphone and missed the blackberry I chose not to show them.    

For the record, the Mets allow sunscreen and bags….and trust that you don’t have a bomb under your cap.

Yankee Stadium Neanderthals

I debated on whether to write about this for a while, but ultimately decided I should address this. First let me say I am first and foremost a baseball fan. The Mets are my favorite team, but that doesn’t mean I don’t appreciate and respect history and players from other teams. Yes, I do root against the Yankees, but at the same time I acknowledge their players and revere their history. How can any true fan of the game not honor the Babe, Gehrig, Mantle, Yogi, etc. (I don’t honor DiMaggio if you are wondering why he is not on this list). Over the last 20+ years I have been to well over a hundred games at Yankee Stadium, and while not my favorite place, I will shed a tear when the wrecking ball strikes its hallowed walls.

I have been to 15 major league and about 40 minor league parks and nowhere have the fans been worse than at Yankee Stadium, particularly those in the upper deck. It’s not even close. Do they get rowdy at Fenway? Yes. Obnoxious in Phlly? We all know this. Rude in Chicago? On occasion. Boisterous at Shea? You betchya. But in all these parks and others, I have never felt that I was in any physical danger for just being there. Meanwhile on more than one occasion at Yankee Stadium – most recently at the All-Star Game – I have been worried about my safety. Yes, I was wearing a Mets cap and jersey, and I know that some will say I was taking chances on wearing that up there. But why shouldn’t I be able to wear this, especially to an exhibition game? You would think I was wearing a Manchester United jersey at a Liverpool match.

I have seen some horrible things from these “fans” over the year. I was at the game against Toronto in (I think it was 85) when they booed the Canadian National Anthem. I’ve seen an Orioles cap taken off someones head and set on fire. I’ve seen women verbally abused because of how they dress or the jersey they wear. Worst of all, I was at the game where Clemens beaned Piazza. How did the goons in the upper deck react? As Mike was being taken off on a stretcher they were chanting “Bye Bye Mikey”

Don’t get me wrong, I know most Yankee fans are not like this. Some of my closest friends are Yankee fans, and we enjoy a great give and take. I am talking about the base level fan, which I have only ever experienced at Yankee Stadium.

Yes I root against the Yankees – but I would never disrespect their fans or their players the way I have seen those upper deck hooligans behave.

Thoughts on Posada, Jerry and The Crowds Tonight

So I can’t kill the Yankees for resigning Posada after the year he had in 2007, but I think it goes to show yet again that in the history of baseball from Berra to Bench to Mike Dodgers Piazza that catchers break down after 35.    Jorge may have some great years left, but they won’t be behind the plate.  Mets Police know a little about shoulder injuries and these take a long time to heal.

I wonder if the NYY’s will outdraw the Mets tonight – both teams are home.  Since we’ve established we can’t truse paid attendance, I will use television technology to eyeball the crowds.   I was at the Stadium last night and it wasn’t filled, but it was probably 49,000 or so.

So everyone likes Jerry because the Mets are winning, but would we like him if they were still playing .500?  I think yes.   He’s fun to watch, feisty with umpires, seems to know how to use a bullpen, and knows how to use a bench.   If he can get inside OverReyes’s head, watch out.    I didn’t know much about him – I pay as much attention to the White Sox as I do the Phoenix Coyotes – and he was awfully quiet when Willie was around (except that one game Jerry got thrown out of)….but I like what I’m seeing.   As I stated when he was hired, I hope he runs off 15 straight championships before retiring and going to the Hall of Fame.   What will be great about that is some jerk wearing a “26 to 17” t-shirt.

Who Makes The Patches?

A good story from the Ledger.   A nice lady from Cranford New Jersey is the one to thank (or blame) of the Mets look hideous in 2009.

As Major League Baseball’s vice president of design services, Occi, a 52-year-old mother of two who has lived in Cranford for most of her life, is the woman behind MLB’s “look” — the one who is charged with keeping America’s pastime fashion forward.

 “The look of the game, or the look of the club, it’s what people embrace,” Occi said recently. “That’s how people show their exuberance toward the team. There’s nothing better than to go into a ballpark and see everybody dressed in all the licensed merchandise, which is how they show their passion for their club. That’s great, that’s wonderful.”

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