Giants PSLs

Finally some noise is being made about this travesty. Heard Carton starting in about it and the papers seem to have it.
Aside from banging long time ticket holders with big big big checks to write, they’ve also managed to sneak in a significant increase in the individual tickets.
Meanwhile in the Bronx, I read an article that I haven’t gotten to post yet that says that the Yankees are eliminating many of the miniplans, even the upper deck, and telling people its 81 games or none. Hopefully I have my facts wrong here. I never claimed this was a newspaper.
If you’re stumbling across this blog because of a random google search, click the ‘archives’ on the left and find ‘an open letter’ to the Giants ownership from a family who has had tickets for 50 years. By my math they need to come up with nearly $24,000 quickly.

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Your 1st Place Mets

Has it really been only a month since Willie? I must admit, I fell asleep down 8-5 in the 8th and had chalked this one off. That's the Willie part of my brian, but Jerry's Gangstas donKt quit.

All of a sudden this is my kind of team, a clutch hit from a callup (UnderReyes), a homegrown pitcher starting to look like a future ace (Pelfrey, now slotted for sunday), no cylons from atlanta (Glavine) and now Four Inning Pedro is out of the rotation and free to be nice to 70 year old Irish ladies (scroll down about 15 posts). Might we get to see my next-favorite-Met Jon Niese?

This is clearly a different team since Willie left. Spunky. I like em.

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Reds Announcerzzzzzzzzzz

Wow I just suffered through 45 minutes of the Reds radiocast.  It was the most boring baseball announcing I have ever heard.   Absolutely no excitement.  I was so bored I cut the dog’s walk short.


You’ve probably never heard of Jocko, but here’s a great article.  


He was the first African-American sportscaster — ever. On WHOM in Jersey City, on WAAT in Newark on WNJR in Newark, starting in the 1930s, Jocko’s voice was a “dinner guest” at African-American homes all over North Jersey.

He doubled as a sportswriter with publications like the Newark Afro-Americans. He was the public address announcer for Eagles games at old Ruppert Stadium in Newark. He was the Eagles’ unofficial “Lord High Chancellor of Communication” with the world beyond the foul lines. He did much the same for all of Negro League Baseball at a time when, if you couldn’t get to the game and you wanted to know if the Eagles won, Jocko’s familiar voice told you.

Which is more than the Newark newspapers did most of the time in that era.

I Think I OD’d on Baseball This Weekend

I’m still recovering from last night – left the Stadium at 2 am and got home at 3:30. But a quick snapshot of the last several days.

From Saturday through Tuesday, the tally for me is:

  • 2 stadiums (Yankee & Shea)
  • 4 games
  • 40.875 innings (two 8 1/2 inning games, one 9 inning, and one 14 5/6)
  • I don’t know how many players, pitches, etc.
  • 6 hours waiting in lines for autographs at FanFest
  • 4 HOF autographs (Earl Weaver, Orlando Cepeda, Juan Marichal, & Gary Carter)
  • 3 children of HOFers met (Mantle’s sons and Jackie Robinson’s daughter)
  • Several Team USA autographs
  • I think a dozen hot dogs and eight beers
  • Almost 1,000 pictures taken (which will be reduced to probably 150 once I go through them)
  • One new David Wright jersey (home, blue pinstripe, with Shea patch, size 44)
  • An undisclosed amount spent on souveneirs
  • About 28 hours total of baseball activities

(And last night’s 15 inning adventure was my SECOND 15 inning game this month. I saw one at SafeCo a few weeks ago too.)

I think I need a few days for everything to sink in but man, did I enjoy this weekend.