Nice touch mentioning Bob Sheppard last night.
With all this talk of putting George in the hall…how about Bob!
What Mets fans talk about when not talking about the actual games.
Nice touch mentioning Bob Sheppard last night.
With all this talk of putting George in the hall…how about Bob!
A little late this morning, stayed up late and have this whole job thing etc…
As always I loved the All Star Game.
I hear some chirping on WFAN about A-Rod leaving early. As a fan of leaving work early and days off, I am not going to begrudge the man for leaving – assuming he even did leave. Maybe he just wants to spend today and tomorrow, full days, with his kids.
WHERE WAS SEAVER? In the interest of fairness maybe he had a family emergency or something.
Wright would have pitched next? Cool! I would have loved to see that, and a pitcher playing a position.
I suspect that’s the last we will see of George Steinbrenner.
Poor Yogi is getting up there too. He’ll soon need to stay out of the spotlight the way Scooter did.
Kinda cool that FOX didn’t bombard us with “and look who is in the second row, the stars of Fringe!” nonsense. Unless they did it at midnight when maybe I nodded off for a pitch or two.
I was surprised there were/are only four living Yankee Hall of Famers.
Quiet day. See ya tomorrow.
Bud black
Ben sheets
Aaron cook
Brian mccann
David wright speeds by. Not much love from crowd. No mets love.
Dan uggla on his cellphone
Another gap. Crowd begins to lose buzz and wander.
Geovany soto. The city is as quiet as you'll ever hear it
Nate mclouth
Hanley ramirez.
Ernie banks and fukudome
Adrian gonzalez
Cars going faster now as parade gets kinda long.
Back to the daily planet. Hope it was fun for you
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A-Rod. Crowd buzzing. Enjoying it the way jeter isnt. Looks relaxed.
Roy halladay
Kevin youklis
Michael young
Grady sizemore
Some guy named scott kazmir. Hes loved.
Mariano rivera
Ervin santana
George sherrill
Dioner navarro
Francisco rodriguez
Josh hamilton big ovation
Jd drew. Jason varitek
Joakim soria.
Justin morneau cool guy
This is a great event. Crowd getting quieter
Evan longoria
Cal ripken biggest ovation yet
Clint hurdle
Papelbon shows heckler his ring
Lou piniella big ovation
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Terry Francona coming….will they boo?… there are cheers. He could play Picard in a Star Trek reboot.
Girardi on deck….ovation no diff than francona
Reggie coming….crowd abuzz….reg gie reg gie reg gie!!!!! Reggie soaks it in
Jim leyland
Cliff lee
Joe quenten and joe crede. Mrs quenten like a 50s movie star
Dustin pedroia gets cheers
Ichiro suzuki
Jeter crowd explodes. Jeter above it all. Least friendly parder so far. Surprised.
Bradley and ian kinsler. Kinsler is cool
Joe mauer
David ortiz. Big ovation. Hes styling and happy
Carlos guillen
Joe nathan
Arod next
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