Glad Someone Is Off Steroids!

Sorry it’s not Barry or Sammy or Roger or a bunch of other really obvious guys…it’s a horse.

Triple Crown fave Big Brown is off the ‘roids. I thought his head was getting big and the acne was odd.

Lots more about horse racing tomorrow!

The Mets Are Doing a Good Job of Not Punching Me in the Face

Here’s another one of those entries that captures my mood this week. There’s nothing to complain about (other than black uniforms and of course Willie) but I particularly enjoyed this title:

The Mets Are Doing a Good Job of Not Punching Me in the Face

Game time…time to go listen to Howie for an inning (I predict he’ll declare “about 40,000” at Petco) before drifting off. 10pm games all week adds up after a while.

>Mariners: Stop Kissing

> CNN reports: last week, a lesbian complained that an usher at Safeco Field asked her to stop kissing her date because it was making another fan uncomfortable. CNN also mentions that the Mariners announce a code of conduct at each game that specifically mentions public displays of affection.

This policeman says let people kiss. Mr. Met seems to have fun with the ladies…why can’t the Mariner Moose.

Mariners: Stop Kissing

CNN reports: last week, a lesbian complained that an usher at Safeco Field asked her to stop kissing her date because it was making another fan uncomfortable. CNN also mentions that the Mariners announce a code of conduct at each game that specifically mentions public displays of affection.

This policeman says let people kiss. Mr. Met seems to have fun with the ladies…why can’t the Mariner Moose.

>Lone Star Mets

>Lone Star Mets has a good post that sort of captures my writer’s block this week….everything is working so it’s weird to actually enjoy the Mets. Of course i could always bitch about what they are wearing but 8 of 10 I’ll shut up.

Lone Star does a nice job. Check him out at and here’s a snippet.

Tuesday night I was watching the Mets take on the Marlins and the strangest thing happened: I had fun watching the game. It was weird. I wasn’t depressed or upset, just happy to be watching the Mets play.