>Pink Mets Hats

These are cool.

What’s that Mets Police? I thought you were hardcore against everything?

Nope. It’s good to do good in this world. If pink Mets hats help, that’s great.

Generally speaking, the Mets should wear blue and orange (never black and not pink), but sell whatever you want at Modells.

Happy Mother’s Day!

>The Captain and Willie

The Captain talks like this: “We’ve got to go out there and play better that second game. Arroyo pitched great, but to be a team that we want to be and we need to be … offensively, we’ve got to get a little more done. If we have to manufacture runs, we’ve just got to do something. We won the first one. Offensively we did well. But the second one’s disappointing.”

The manager is OK with focusing on Pelfrey’s “best outing of the year.”

So we sail along playing .500-ish ball la la la la la la it’s only May la la la la la.

Who’s The Captain you ask? You know who it is. That’s why he’s The Captain, number 5, David Wright.

>The Last Lecture

>An indulgence, and two non-Mets posts in a row. There’s more to life than bashing Willie Randolph, and this guy’s story touches me. Here’s a guy facing death with dignity.

Dying of Cancer, but Full of Life Lessons
Published: May 11, 2008
Randy Pausch, who has pancreatic cancer and whose book, “The Last Lecture,” has been an inspiration to many, was invited to a Pittsburgh Steelers practice.

Story in the Times here: http://www.nytimes.com/2008/05/11/sports/football/11cheer.html?ref=sports

The lecture is here:

>Tiger Stadium


From the Times:

Tiger Stadium Faces Partial Demolition Amid

Published: May 11, 2008
The Old Tiger Stadium Conservancy, a group opposed to the demolition of Tiger Stadium, has until June 1 to raise $369,000 to try to save part of the historic site.


Pink Mets Hats

These are cool.

What’s that Mets Police? I thought you were hardcore against everything?

Nope. It’s good to do good in this world. If pink Mets hats help, that’s great.

Generally speaking, the Mets should wear blue and orange (never black and not pink), but sell whatever you want at Modells.

Happy Mother’s Day!