>Pedro Being Pedro


Just wanted to remind everyone that in the unlikely event Pedro feels like pitching, he is 7-5 since June 2006.
He threw 55 pitches yesterday. That’s about 10 fewer than he’ll throw when he goes 4 innings on Jue 1st.

The Essential Mets Games

Are these really the essential games? Or the games they happen to have tape of?

• 1969 World Series Game 4
• 1986 NLCS Game 3
• 1986 World Series Game 6
• 1999 NLCS Game 5
• Sept. 21, 2001 game vs. the Braves
• May 19, 2006 game vs. the Yankees

Personally I’d love to see the return of Tom Seaver in 1983, the Terry Pendleton game, and the night against the Reds where McDowell and Orosco flip flopped…but that wasn’t at Shea.

Rays Sign Kazmir, Nobody Comes To Stadium

So the Rays have Kazmir signed thru 2011 with an option for 2012. I like that the Rays are trying to hold on to their young talent. Seems like someone down there knows what they are doing. In case you’re wondering, Victor Zambrano is pitching for Colorado Springs.

The fans need to do better. 20,936 for a game against the Yankees. Heard Ken Singleton say they hadn’t lost at home in a month. Show up guys.

“No question, the Rays are a hungry team,” said Hank Steinbrenner. “That’s what our team has to get back.”

Newsday on "45,000"

The Mets Police brought this up about a month ago. You can announce 45,000 all you want (yeah yeah paid attendance) but the fact of the matter is the stadium is half empty. How many of you have season plans where you “eat” tickets?

“We trimmed the attendance again,” the Old Perfessor used to say, which was 1962-speak for ripping off the fans. But back then, tickets cost a buck or two, games were over in a merciful two hours and nothing was expected of those Mets teams anyway.Forty-something years later, fans expect a bang or two for their 40 bucks a ticket and the three-plus hours spent shivering in a rusting junkheap of a ballpark. Mets fans have become notorious for their big mouths and short fuses, but last night, they booed loud, long and with plenty of justification.

Last night, more than 45,000 paid for their tickets and no more than half bothered to use them. The ones that did left disappointed, angered and in the idiom of Casey, trimmed.

Wallace Watthews in Newsday here

Pedro Being Pedro

Just wanted to remind everyone that in the unlikely event Pedro feels like pitching, he is 7-5 since June 2006.
He threw 55 pitches yesterday. That’s about 10 fewer than he’ll throw when he goes 4 innings on Jue 1st.