The 2000 Mets Mean Nothing

Sure a subway series was cool….but do you really have any emotional attachment to this team?

Now I know you’re saying “Mets Police, you’re crazy. You’re being extra cranky today.”
Well say the Mets have “2000 Mets day” and bring back the following players:
Please welcome back our old friend….Armando Benitez! Mike Hampton! Bobby Jones! The Other Bobby Jones! Mike Bordick! Darryl Hamilton! Rickey Henderson!
Sure there’s a few guys that will get cheers – John “7 batters to get a save” Franco and Mike “Dodgers” Piazza.
Maybe Al Leiter gets a nice hand. Do you really consider Robin Ventura a Met? Did Rey Ordonez endear himself to the franchise?
I think in the scheme of things, this team means nothing.

>Uniform Numbers – Real and Rented Part 2

>About a week and a half ago we published who are the real and the fake owners of numbers 1 – 4 for the Mets

As this is an angoing series, here are numbers 5 through 10 (once again thanks to Mets By The Numbers):

Rightful Owner(s): Davey Johnson & David Wright
Rent-A-Met: John Olerud

Comment: Wright will never be the only owner of tha number regardless of what he does. As for Olerud, most of that 1999-2000 team was rented.

Rightful Owner(s): Al Weiss & Wally Backman
Rent-A-Met: Daryl Boston

Comment: Sadly Wally is still persona non grata in most MLB circles. As for Boston……nop, got nothing


Rightful Owner(s): Ed Kranepool & Jose Reyes
Rent-A-Met: Juan Samuel

Comment: I still cringe when I think about all we gave up for….ugh…Juan Samuel. Hell I still remember where I was when I heard the news (on a train between Limerick and Galwayin Ireland. I think I screamed.)


Rightful Owner(s): Nobody
Rent-A-Mets: Yogi Berra & Gary Carter

Comment: Yogi was and always will be a Yankee. Gary – as much as he may have loved NY and was the final piece of the 86 puzzle – was an Expo.


Rightful Owner(s): Todd Hundley
Rent-A-Met(s): Joe Torre & Todd Zeile

Comment: Torre the player was a Brave – Torre the manager was a Yankee. The fact that he transitioned as a Met doesn’t make him a Met.


Rightful Owner(s): Rusty Staub
Rent-A-Met: Nobody

Comment: Rusty wore 4 with his first stint, but was in 10 much longer. And yeah, he was an All-Star 6 times elsewhere and never with the Mets – but he played more years here than anywhere else.

11 through 15 next week.

>Does Willie Pay Any Attention?

>The other day Willie was on WFAN with Mike & the Mad Dog and the were discussing the upcoming weekend series with Arizona. This was Willie’s comment:

“It’s funny becuase we had their number for about a year and a half, leading into the end of last year – actually I think they swept us last time we were there”

Um, Mr. Manager sir – prior to this weekend the Mets – the team you manage – was 15-1 in Phoenix going back to 2005. You would think the manager should know this.

It got worse – Mad Dog tried to point out that no, the Diamondbacks swept the Mets at Shea last year. Willie tried to recover, insisting that Arizona had at least taken 2 of 3 the last time the Mets were there.

Seriously – when your team has dominated another team so decisevely how can you not know this?

Uniform Numbers – Real and Rented Part 2

About a week and a half ago we published who are the real and the fake owners of numbers 1 – 4 for the Mets

As this is an angoing series, here are numbers 5 through 10 (once again thanks to Mets By The Numbers):

Rightful Owner(s): Davey Johnson & David Wright
Rent-A-Met: John Olerud

Comment: Wright will never be the only owner of tha number regardless of what he does. As for Olerud, most of that 1999-2000 team was rented.

Rightful Owner(s): Al Weiss & Wally Backman
Rent-A-Met: Daryl Boston

Comment: Sadly Wally is still persona non grata in most MLB circles. As for Boston……nop, got nothing


Rightful Owner(s): Ed Kranepool & Jose Reyes
Rent-A-Met: Juan Samuel

Comment: I still cringe when I think about all we gave up for….ugh…Juan Samuel. Hell I still remember where I was when I heard the news (on a train between Limerick and Galwayin Ireland. I think I screamed.)


Rightful Owner(s): Nobody
Rent-A-Mets: Yogi Berra & Gary Carter

Comment: Yogi was and always will be a Yankee. Gary – as much as he may have loved NY and was the final piece of the 86 puzzle – was an Expo.


Rightful Owner(s): Todd Hundley
Rent-A-Met(s): Joe Torre & Todd Zeile

Comment: Torre the player was a Brave – Torre the manager was a Yankee. The fact that he transitioned as a Met doesn’t make him a Met.


Rightful Owner(s): Rusty Staub
Rent-A-Met: Nobody

Comment: Rusty wore 4 with his first stint, but was in 10 much longer. And yeah, he was an All-Star 6 times elsewhere and never with the Mets – but he played more years here than anywhere else.

11 through 15 next week.

Does Willie Pay Any Attention?

The other day Willie was on WFAN with Mike & the Mad Dog and the were discussing the upcoming weekend series with Arizona. This was Willie’s comment:

“It’s funny becuase we had their number for about a year and a half, leading into the end of last year – actually I think they swept us last time we were there”

Um, Mr. Manager sir – prior to this weekend the Mets – the team you manage – was 15-1 in Phoenix going back to 2005. You would think the manager should know this.

It got worse – Mad Dog tried to point out that no, the Diamondbacks swept the Mets at Shea last year. Willie tried to recover, insisting that Arizona had at least taken 2 of 3 the last time the Mets were there.

Seriously – when your team has dominated another team so decisevely how can you not know this?