Must read: Study compares Mets, StubHub prices – Mets Blog – ESPN New York

This was under-reported and under-shared on the Blogosphere, and even I am late to it because I got busy with life.  However, it’s a must read and the below is just a small excerpt.

Although dynamic pricing means the asking price for a ticket changes over time, the ticket-price fluctuation varied only modestly. In fact, the team price remained within 10 percent of the original asking price. For instance, for low-priced seats, the team’s dynamic asking price went on average from $30.81 in the preseason, to $30.71 fifteen days before the event, to $28.68 five days before the event, and to $27.87 a day before the event.

via Study compares Mets, StubHub prices – Mets Blog – ESPN New York.

One Reply to “Must read: Study compares Mets, StubHub prices – Mets Blog – ESPN New York”

  1. I’ve read it a few times, and still don’t know if this is good, bad or meaningless. It needs context to and how it relates to other teams and leagues to determine whether it’s a wise or foolish system.

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