Live From Wrigley

My first time at Wrigley.

I'm having a blast. Wrigley is 10,000 times better than Citi (or Yankee). Amazing that a 95 year old park can be so much better than one that is three months old.

I just asked a nice usher why they check my ticket to head to the uppers from the lowers and she explained the uppers are a preferred view and that the people behind poles and standing roomers would love to head upstairs (something to think about if the nyers ever add standing – will there be escalator police?)

Obviously so much smaller. No bombardment of audio nor advertising. Organ music.

Interesting that the stores sell tons of variant merch, but almost all just blue and red. Funny how teams can survive without black jerseys and a sponsored noisefest between every inning.

Taking tons of pics for future posts. Having fun taking nitpicky obstructed views and full blown "there's a pole in my face" views.

Crosstown Classic and we got seats on no problem.

Off to take more pics of random ramps and signs.

To the NY Yankees: you guys are on crack giving up what you had. If they can make this place work you could've made Yankee Stadium work without a Hard Rock Cafe. "Nice head" as we say in Queens.

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One Reply to “Live From Wrigley”

  1. Shannon,

    Enjoyed this post. Linked to it at

    Glad you liked Wrigley, though you may have jinxed the Cubs and are thus, not welcome to return. Ever.

    Good luck to your Mets.

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