Of Course The Apple Doesn’t Work Right

In case you missed it, when Tatis homered after the Schneider home
run, the ugly new oversized apple failed to come up.

Why? The new design takes 2.5 minutes to reset.

What contractor sold Jeff Wilpon on that?

The old apple was fine as we said on this site all along. You know
what, it worked too!

Sent from my iPhone

One Reply to “Of Course The Apple Doesn’t Work Right”

  1. to be fair, the old Apple probably needed replacement (as a functioning apple) after last season. It is almost 30 years old, and there was a game (doubleheader actually) when it didn't work because it had taken on so much rain water the night before (that was Father's Day weekend last year).

    but the lemon that they got should have been built with back-to-back HRs in mind (or a lead-off HR after coming up for the 7th inning stretch). I wonder what the old apple's timings were.

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