Saturday Morning Stuff

Thanks to Metsblog who picked up the Valentine theory I have…you can read Matt Cerrone’s take here along with a fair amount of comments.

Thomas from Checked Swing suggests that the Mets give everyone with an obstructed view one of these.

The ‘ropolitans have some cool “The Disabled” (a “The Departed” parody t-shirts.

My spidey sense thinks the first Mets no-hitter will happen very soon…it also thinks it will happen on one of these late night who cares games, although a Parnell no-hitter would be quite surprising.

Check out the bizarre “Razor Shines Coach of Life” thing.  You can ask him yes or no questions.  I asked “Do the Mets suck?” and got some nonsense about fastballs.   So I asked Magic 8-ball which was definitive.

I feel bad for both the Mets and this guy:

kjs has left a new comment on your post “How To Solve Many Of The Obstructed Views At Citi …“:

The Mets never recontacted me about making financial amends for the awful, fecal-like–stained seats I bought in Section 504, row 1, seat 1, published earlier this week on this blog. When they ask me to renew my two plans for 2010 in the fall(which are fairly decent seats in 512 and 504, despite the fact they are only a row or two from the top), I’m just ripping up the invoices. They’ve lost me as a consumer (and I use the word “consumer” because there’s no indication they see the people who go to Wilpon’s Folly as fans). Adois, Metsies. 

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