Mets Police Stadiums Week Day Two: Obstructed Views In San Diego Padres Petco Park

We’re celebrating Stadiums Week here on the MP, a look at some other parks.

Ben recently went on a road trip and sent me the following:

Let me start by saying I like Petco but don’t love it. The home team has a regular bullpen and the visiting team’s bullpen is down the right field line (old school). Don’t like that. 

And the big thing for me was that the second tiers in the outfield were very far from the field. Citi’s second and third tiers are right on top of the field. I know, sight lines, but I prefer fans on top of the field than a mile a way. And here’s the kicker. Petco has obstructed views just like Citi. 
Wow that looks like Citi Field doesn’t it?  Just as bad.  Where are the Padres Police?

Ben also sent pics of Arizona:  I liked Chase. Didn’t think I would. I liked the way closeness of the fans to the field. That is a big thing for me. The upper deck is laid out much different than the other ballparks have been to. It doesn’t look like a HOK park. But am not sure.

Also, a big thing for me is the exterior architecture. No one really talks about it but that those are the lasting impressions of ballparks. Petco is ugly on the outside. Chase’s has an attractive exterior. Citi exterior is awesome. The best. Wonderful architecture.

This is still my favorite obstructed view.  This is from a seat in Wrigley, not staged.

I may have to go to San Diego just to nitpick.

If anyone has any road-trip stadium photos you’d like to share, please send them to [email protected]

More tomorrow!

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