Make Fantasy Baseball More like Fantasy Football (WSJ)

A cool article in the Wall Street Journal suggests making fantasy baseball more like fantasy football.  I’ve been playing fantasy football for 20 years – back when it was “rotisserie football” and our stats guy used to look up boxscores by hand on Monday.

I agree that baseball is too intense…I can’t keep up with the idiots who watch 2am sportscenter trying to find someone who steals bases.

Fantasy baseball is only about half as popular as fantasy football, according to the Fantasy Sports Trade Association. Football is simpler to play and has games on at times that are convenient for fans to watch. Rosters only require checking once a week, while fantasy baseball rosters need constant attention. If baseball’s backers hope to close the gap with football, they would do well to consider a few ideas to borrow from their pigskin counterparts:  More here.

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