David Howard: Fans overreacted to sight line problems

Francesca asked Dave Howard what the biggest complaint from fans was.
He said sightlines, said it was mostly early and that fans overreacted.

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5 Replies to “David Howard: Fans overreacted to sight line problems”

  1. Dave Howard is right. Unsure why any team's fans could assume that every sightline was going to be obstruction free. Shea had obstructioned views all over the place.

    I think some specific people had legitimate gripes, but as a whole — CitiField is a much better baseball watching experience than Shea.

  2. Anonymous: Sorry, but you're an absolute tool. And an apologist for greed and incompetence. There are thousands of horrific seats at Wilpon's Folly. I DARE you to sit through a game in Section 504, row 1, seat 1. (See my photos on this site.)Hey dude—buy a seat in Section 107 with 2" of legroom and no view of RF and the scoreboards for $105. Post your email. I'll buy you a ticket for next year and sit next to you in 504 to gauge your reaction and accept your crow with grace. There is NO excuse to build a 1-9th century stadium in the 21st century.

  3. Do you think there's something wrong with the sightlines when Howie Rose, who has the best seat in the house, says on the air that they cant see a ball when it goes down the line in the outfield?

  4. Much of the upper deck, including my entire section had poor sightlines and couldn't see at least a portion of the field. There is no excuse for that in a new building.

  5. It's bad. I don't know where Dave Howard was looking from. There's only a few dozen seats in the entire ballpark where seeing is not a problem (and I don't even count the screen behind home plate). Try out in CF near the apple. Those are good – you can see the entire field and both corners. I was able to see much much better where I sat in Shea than anywhere in Citi Field, and I don't remember any obstructions except for the (very cheap) "back rows" seats and probably anything right on the foul poll.

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