Don’t Miss: Audio Of Francesca’s Wilpon/Minaya/David Howard New York Mets Interview

Try this link and/or poke around and make sure you don’t miss Mike Francesca’s very long, very thorough and pretty good interview with Jeff Wilpon, Omar Minaya and my favorite Mets executive David Howard.

It was reassuring to hear Jeff Wilpon say that they won’t just sign free agents in the name of marketing.  That’s very reassuring to me as that was one of my main worries.

I was sad that David Howard still doesn’t get the (ahem) “sightline issues” (aka obstructed views), but I’ll cover that in the morning.

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One Reply to “Don’t Miss: Audio Of Francesca’s Wilpon/Minaya/David Howard New York Mets Interview”

  1. Cmon Shannon, It was reassuring to you to hear them say that? So you think thats the truth the same way that Dave Howard says there's no sightline problems? Does anything these guys say change your opinions that they are inept at running their own affairs? Do I need to start a list? The Gooden autograph, Tony B, Omar's press conference, Old Timers Day being a bad investment, the raised ticket prices, no Mets stuff in the stadium, no access for BP, the botched closing Shea ceremony, Ollie Perez contract, disastrous handling of injuries, weekend ticket plans,I could go on and on. What they say and do are two different things. They are businessmen and not baseball men so they will never make the correct baseball decision. It comes down to money and if they have a chance to bring in someone who draws at the gate they will do it over bringing in the right fit for their team.

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