Video: Jeff Wilpon Talks To Chris Carlin; Reyes Surgery; Wally Back?

SNY does many great things but they don’t have “embed” technology so you’ll have to click here and give them the page hits they so desperately crave if you want to hear Jeff Wilpon’s plan for the future.

I know I now feel more confident now that the major coaching problems at first base are solved.

Note the quote: “We’re going to have one of the highest payrolls in baseball” – they can come down and still have that.

At least Jeff appeared, I will give him that.

Also, Metsblog updates that Reyes will have surgery but maybe not what you thought.

Finally on twitter:
NYPost_Mets The Mets confirm an report that Wally Backman is being considered for a coaching position in their minor-league system next season.

Busy day!

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