Heads Up: Annoying Security At Yankee Stadium Tonight

Some politicians have decided to attend a baseball game, so the
Yankees have announced extra security (when politicians don't come it
is less important you be safe) and have done an email blast asking
fans to "arrive early."

Which reminds me – why did baseball wait until like 7pm to rain out
Saturday's game? Those time-killing hot dogs and non-refundable
parking fees must add up.

I much prefer the Yankees to represent the AL than any other option.
If this were Phillies-Angels I wouldn't even look at it except maybe
some morbid Pedro fascination.

I know that's an unpopular sentiment but the city feels good about
itself and people are into it. It's just way more interesting. I
like seeing a sense of community in New York We spend too much time
knocking each other down and out of the way.

From a blogger standpoint it stretches out the content and I don't
have to wax philosophically about Doug Flynn until next week (that one
is already written).

Mets fans shouldn't stress about being the little brother in town.
We're never ever going to make up a 24 championship gap. Even
starting at '62 it's 8-2 I think. That's a decade and a half of
awesome Mets teams running off 6 rings just to tie. Ain't happening.

So let them believe A-Rod and Damon are part of Yankee tradition and
don't worry about it. You wanna root for the Phillies go nuts, I'm
happy to see New York do well and I'll focus on beating the Yankees in
June. Let the town enjoy. New York threw a parade for Sammy Sosa,
why not one more for Jeter and associates?

Remember, if you're heading to the new fake Stadium, don't bring a
bag. Bags are the number one weapon used by the enemy. Please
remove your hat as you enter the gate. Hat-bombers are also a huge
threat. Like they did at Shea, we want you safe because we want you
back (because we want your money).

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