Meet the Mets…bloggers: Remembering Shea

Time once again to Meet the Mets Bloggers!  If you want in, drop me a line: [email protected]

1.  Who are you and what’s the name of your blog?
My name is Jason Bornstein, and under the name ‘DyHrdMET’, I run the blog “RememberingShea” (
2.  What kind of things can we find on your site?
Initially, the focus was on the end of Shea.  I launched the site during Shea’s destruction in the 2008-09 off season.  Since there isn’t much going on with Shea these days, I cover humor, finding fault in Citi Field, and some opinions on the failures of the Mets.  If given the chance, I’ll share my opinions on the success of the Mets as well.  I’m also a Spring Training fanatic, so there should be lots of content including a daily blog while I’m on my trip to Port St. Lucie (and other parts of Florida) in late March.
I also have a sound byte from Bob Murphy available on every page.
3.  Expectations for 2010?
We’ll get through the season alive (physically).  Mentally, I’m not sure.  At this point in time, I think the Mets aren’t much better than the glorified .500 team of 2008.  But a glorified .500 team could squeeze into the playoffs.  For me, I hope work allows me more time to write on a more regular basis once there’s daily activity around the Mets (like the Jason Bay soap opera wasn’t daily activity).  Blogging is a good outlet to vent frustration (so is commenting on other people’s blogs), and if the Mets start off 2010 like they ended 2009, there will be lots of venting going on.

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2 Replies to “Meet the Mets…bloggers: Remembering Shea”

  1. Let me just say in response to the last line that the Mets ended 2009 with a 3 game sweep and excellent pitching.

  2. Ceetar, how quickly I forget that final weekend, especially since I was at the games on Saturday and Sunday of that weekend. To clarify, I was thinking more along the lines of how August and September 2009 went for the Mets.

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