And the Phillies emailed about Mets tickets

Yesterday I mentioned the Mets had emailed folks to encourage them to come see the Mets in Philadelphia.

Today the Phillies emailed their list to come see the Phillies at Citi Field.

Smart business. I will let you know if I get wind of “see the Phillies at Fake Yankee Stadium.”

4 Replies to “And the Phillies emailed about Mets tickets”

  1. I went to PNC last year and the Pirates sent me an email to come see the Mets play the Pirates in PNC. It’s an MLB thing, the Mets aren’t smart enough to do on their own

  2. MLB does this for every team, and they did them all yesterday.

    If you are on a particular team’s mailing list (you signed up, bought tickets in the past, entered that team’s postseason lottery, etc.) but have a zip code in the “home area” of a different team, you were sent the email to “go see [X] team on the road in [Y] city.” I got about 4 of them yesterday.

  3. That’s very interesting Glenn. I didn’t get the see the Phils at Citi one, but got the see the Mets at CBP.

    I also find that I don’t always get ticket alerts for presale type Phillies tickets. conspiracy for being in the Mets area?

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