Man oh man. Â Beloved Daughter wants a Mets jersey. Â Black.
This is Daddy’s Girl. Â She Who Can Do No Wrong. Â The One Who Asks For Nothing.
The good news is that she wants a Mets jersey and is interested in the Mets. Â I have to go shake fists of rage at the sky. Â Casey and Gil, help me!
Does she want the matching black cap too? Gotta love father-daughter bonding!
I wish she had picked pink. Anyway, I guess there’s worse things than my kid being interested in the Mets. How old is the Wilpon grandson, maybe they could date and I can infiltrate the team that way.
Dont see any womens black jersey’s for sale online.
Shannon let us know what jersey she will pick.
Depending on how young The Apple of Daddy’s Eye is, they may be looking here –
I tried the “they don’t make kid’s black” and got the disappointed “i guess i will get the white one” voice. The wind is blowing toward getting her an adult small.
She wants a #14 jersey. Kinda cool. Just a random number she likes.
All this because I bought junior a pinless for his birthday. (Pinless works better on civilians than pinstripes).
while it’s a bummer she digs the black, there is nothing better than the fact that she’s sharing interest in the things you love. that’s a huge victory!
as for tase for the traditional aesthic…all in due time.
You would prefer pink? Really? That’s disappointing. Pink sports jerseys are the most hideous monstrosities ever unleashed on the sporting public and the set the women’s sports fan movement back 50 years. Mrs. The Apple refuses to even look at any pink jerseys.
By the way. I ordered a black Davis jersey this week. I’m gonna wear it next time I see ya and we can throw down the fisty cuffs.
Randy, as a civilian you can wear whatever you want. When you actually play first wearing a black Randy jersey I will rip you for (a) wearing black and (b) having your first name on your jersey according to the made up secnario I created.
Ceetar – yeah this is the universe getting back at me.
Heh. You spend so much time talking about black jerseys. This is like cosmic balance.
I suggest taking her to the store and exposing her to all the options. Maybe something else strikes her fancy.
Actually, I would be happy she chose a real looking jersey as opposed to the pink. Just enjoy she’s liking the Mets. Now you’re gonna have to bump up those ticket plans from 2 to 4. Gonna have to drag Mrs. Metspolice… get her that retro ’87.
Actually, if your daughter is big enough, you might be able to talk HER into that ’87 womans one.
Mrs. Mets police isn’t coming to any games. I could be the starting pitcher and she wouldn’t even watch.
I know the feeling. But my wife ends up being a “baseball widow” during the season!
It’s such a delicate balance. I get 2 seats in my pack. I feel bad bringing her but then I feel bad if I go with a buddy. Damn women and their being all complex and what not.
How did the arrival and handing-over-of-the-jersey go?
michael the black jersey hasnt come yet