Mets cap trade this weekend

This weekend, the Mets are having one of their cap trades.   I think it’s something like bring a crappy cap and they’ll give you this one which apparently fell off a time machine from 1977.

I’m not sure how I feel about this one.  It’s somewhat blue which is good.  However, I don’t think it would look good on you unless it was turn back the clock night and Mazzilli was playing center.

I’m not even sure this is worth trading in a hybrid cap for.

I kind of like the idea of the cap, but when would you wear it – what would you pair it with.  I’m open to suggestions.

(Cap trade is for first 5,000 fans or something.  Check for proper information and rules)

17 Replies to “Mets cap trade this weekend”

  1. I would guess a female could where a halter top, and a pair of parachute pants with that hat

  2. I agree with you that perhaps the Mets marketing people took a dip in the “Hot Tub Time Machine” back to 1977. Sorry guys, I only wear fitted Mets caps.

  3. I thought about trading in my worn out 5950 caps, but I don’t like that, and i don’t really want to trade a cap with no sponsor for one with..

  4. I will never get the cap trade! wtf do they do with the old caps?

    In my opinion, give a hat or don’t give a hat. My old hat is not a handgun nor does it pose any real threat to society. Let it be. let it enjoy its retirement in my closet until my son discovers it one day and salvages it because it is retro and cool.

    Such a strange promotion.

  5. I was wondering the same thing this morning: What do they do with 15,000 caps they collect over the weekend? Do they get trashed, do they go to goodwill? My hunch tells me that if they went to goodwill that would be publicized, but who knows?

    Seems like if they’re doing the trade idea it should be for charity…you get a new hat for a wearable piece of clothing or a new hat for a can of food for a soup kitchen.

    As it stands, this is just a weird promo.

  6. In my opinion, give a hat or don’t give a hat. My old hat is not a handgun nor does it pose any real threat to society. Let it be. let it enjoy its retirement in my closet until my son discovers it one day and salvages it because it is retro and cool.

  7. i was JUST talking about this to my lady last night: this is the worst promotion EVER. even when i was an adolescent and even more cap/jersey crazy than i am now, i would never trade a hat i paid money for to get this nonsense. they have been even more poorly designer in the past. they could at least give out something cool. or something subway series oriented, since they do it every year during this series. why would i want a garbage, non-structure trucker hat? to quote seth cohen, “maybe they’re just angry people don’t wear trucker hats anymore.”

  8. Last year you were not even required to trade a cap in .All Chevy was interested in was your drivers license number and Email address to send you spam

  9. I took part in the cap trade this weekend. I wanted the new cap, but not at the expense of trading it for another cap I still wear. So, I went online, googled, “newspaper hat” and made my own hat out of the sports section. I wrote Go Mets on it and brought it to the cap trade, where they happily took it. It seemed they were most interested in getting your email address as john said, but still, I was happy they took my trade in. The itself is a total cheapie and is way too small for my huge melon head.

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