What’s even uglier than a black Mets jersey? A Cyclones Tie-Dye!

In case you missed it, the Cyclones wore these on Monday night.  On TV they were startling.  I had the replay on in my office and like three people walked in and were stunned.

Unlike black Mets jerseys these were somehow tied into charity.  If you have to dress like clowns at least save the world.

I’m looking for more pictures.  Send them if you got em.

7 Replies to “What’s even uglier than a black Mets jersey? A Cyclones Tie-Dye!”

  1. I think it’s part of a promotion where fans design the jerseys. Whoever designed that should not be allowed to watch baseball ever again.

    1. There is a similar promotion where children designed a Cyclones jersey. The winning design was made into a jersey and the team will be wearing it tonight on the field. I don’t know what they will look like at this point. I can only imagine!!

  2. hahaha… obviously someone walked into their mom getting wobbly h’d by two dudes in tie dyes as a kid… dont see the problem, they’re actually cool looking in my opinion, even if i’m not a fan of tie dye clothes… open mindedness is quite a virtue.

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