I missed Howie last night.
The rhythm of the booth seemed off. And I have said before, Wayne sounds like about of town guy passing through rather than the voice of the Mets until 2040, and Eddie didn’t find his “I just came from McFadden’s vibe” at least in the part I heard.
Decided to go pillow over Mets.
I can’t believe some people are already freaking out about the second half. A scrap heap knuckler. Was bested by Lincecum. That’s gonna happen folks.
Enjoy your vacation Howie!
Paul, over at http://www.Uniwatchblog.com, started a Blog to chronicle Wayne’s “exploits”! It’s a daily must read as Wayne spouts more nonsense then Mex…
Check it out:
Terence M.K.
I didn’t know there would be no Howie and was quite disappointed. I live in DC and can’t afford MLB.TV but I can pick up WFAN after the sun has set. So I have been looking forward to this West Coast trip because I will once again be able to hear entire games, rather than having to wait until 8:30 to be able to tune in. (This is primarily a problem during June and July, the rest of the season is usually pretty good.) Imagine my dismay when I tuned in last night.