You own this Mets jersey: RA Dickey

Chris sent this over from HOF Day.  Amazin’

I don’t think the actual RA Dickey has ever worn a pinstriped RA Dickey jersey!

(Chris I’ll post the rest of your stuff as the week rolls by.  I’m writing this at 10pm last night and my eyes are getting very heavy.  Mets are down 4-1 in the 8th so I haven’t experienced the great comeback win yet.)

4 Replies to “You own this Mets jersey: RA Dickey”

  1. Hahaha I was at the game on Saturday night and got a Dickey Jersey Made. They should be rolling out Dickey T-Shirts and Pray that Management brings him back next year he deserves it and his record should have more wins if he got run support once in a while!

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