Mark Cuban the owner

I really enjoy Mark Cuban’s blog. Today he wrote about the process of trying to buy the Rangers.  A solid read, and I thought you’d enjoy it including this excerpt.

(D)espite what people think, I don’t keep hundreds of millions of dollars in a checking account. I prefer that it earn money doing things for me.  It is not easy to get liquid to the point of $400mm dollars or more in just a few weeks.  And in those few short weeks, its not easy to go to the banks and get a loan for a baseball team. Lots of reasons.  Some I don’t like, but it’s not.  Second, I didn’t have enough time to do all the due diligence my folks needed to do.  You don’t read every contract and get people to run numbers and advise you on what all the implications of a bankruptcy auction are in a couple weeks. I was paying people to work round the clock. I was killing my General Counsel Robert Hart to the point of exhaustion. There wasn’t enough time.

2 Replies to “Mark Cuban the owner”

  1. Hey Mark Cuban interested in a National league team that cant hit their way out of a paper bag

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