4 Replies to “Mr. Met attends a wedding”

  1. That is awesome. I wanted to have him out my wedding but my wife vetoed it. We did compromise. My brother saw a 5 foot Mr. Met stuffed animal in the store at Citi and my wife and I agreed he would be put in the corner of the reception so people could take pictures and such. It was awesome.

    Didn’t enjoy the pictures of Yankee fans putting knives to his throat but everyone enjoyed it.

  2. I hope you learned your lession–YOu can’t invite those animals anywhere, Palm!

  3. i know i know…should have had a caveat on the invitation. If you bring a guest they must not be a Yankee fan

  4. I was at a wedding with Mr. Met 2 years ago, right after the second installment of the Mets collapse. The couple actually didn’t know if he was going to show up until after the Mets got knocked out that final weekend, in case there would have been a playoff game that night. It was cool having him there, but I’m sure the bride and groom would have rather been watching some October baseball instead of doing the chicken dance with our beloved mascot.

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