Torre as manager, Wally as Zimmer?

Been seeing some traction on this idea, today floated by Lupica.

I worry a little a bit about a laid back 70 year old manager..and others worry about Wally…perhaps this combination makes sense.   It sure would play well in the media.

It is something to think about, though, in the short run, Torre coming back to manage the Mets 30 years after he did that the first time. Backman sitting next to him the way Zimmy used to. There’s no inside track on this, believe me. No inside information.

via Fred and Jeff Wilpon must decide about New York Mets GM Omar Minaya before talking next manager.

Joe, you’ll have to reclaim #9.  That’s your Mets number anyway.  We already have a 6.

(Waiting for first Nick Evans comment)

4 Replies to “Torre as manager, Wally as Zimmer?”

  1. This is hare-brained…it should be the other way…Wally as manager, with a laid back, calming influence as bench coach. Torre is too high profile to be that bench guy.

    Heard Wally on Ed Randall yesterday…if not for his baggage, I would sign him immediately. Mets are probably desperate enough to do it anyway. I could see Wally becoming very surly with the media though. For once, maybe the mets should listen to the fans…I believe they want Wally…what were the poll results?

  2. If this happened, 6 should go to Wally…imagine if Joe feels that he is now 6 and not 9 anymore and he makes Backman take 9…that would be Twilight Zone stuff….then the Wilpons decide midway though the season it isn’t working…the two guys switch roles…Wally becomes manager and they switch numbers too.

    Can you do a Mets 2011 Yearbook now with crazy predictions such as this?

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