We’re not capable of picking ballplayers

Good morning Mets fans,

I think that (the quote in the title) was my favorite Fred Wilpon quote from yesterday. Sure it’s out of context and he said it to emphasize the autonomy of the GM.

However, maybe it’s the most important quote of all. Whatever happened in the past, it shows that heading forward that for good or bad this will be the new GM’s team.


If you didn’t see the press conference live you missed a typical Mets moment. Dave Howard (Dave, come on we gotta do a game next April) went out of his way to say that John Ricco would be running the show in the interim. He then emphatically said it is Rick-o not Reek-o.

Later in the press conference both Wilpons called him Reeko.

Found it interesting that Fred doesn’t have an office at Citi. Does he just walk around? Does he hang in an owners box? I’d have an office. I’d be “involved” too. However, wisdom is being smart enough to know what you don’t know so I would have a baseball guy.

Did Omar really not suggest exiling Ollie? I think thats an organizational failure. I have a great relationship with Day Job Boss. I’m not afraid to admit when I made a bad call, and feel empowered to fix it. At a bad company you fear getting yelled at so you leave the mistakes alone and hope nobody notices.

I play aggressive ball. I hit some home runs with clients and sometimes I miss. I respect but don’t fear the owner. Let’s hope the new GM has the same relationship.

Jeff will be on WFAN at 8. Cerrone says an announcement about tickets may be made. I was going to write about tickets next anyway. Stand by!

One Reply to “We’re not capable of picking ballplayers”

  1. And we are not capable of picking the right team to root for.
    With our dying breaths.

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