Mushnick on Mets ticket plans

From Today’s Post:

The Mets have sent mea culpa missives for a rotten season to ticket subscribers. Why not demonstrate genuine regret by restoring fair-play deals?

Start by restoring Saturday ticket packages to only Saturday games, instead of suckering patrons with must-buy Tuesday night games. That’s what Bob Mandt would want.

2 Replies to “Mushnick on Mets ticket plans”

  1. I have been telling the Mets that the Saturday Plan (which I have held since 1986) should be all Saturdays, ’til I was blue (and orange) in the face, but they seem to have a fixed idea of what they want to do, and the fans be damned! When will they get it that they do business in the same market with the Yankees, and therefore, they cannot offer the same as the team in the Bronx, they certainly can’t offer less than that other team; that they have to offer MORE than the team with 27 World Series championships? They need to give people more reasons to go to “Debits Field” to see the Mets(i.e. reduced prices for tickets, food, transportation, souvenirs, etc.) than to see their perrenial champion cross-town rivals.

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