5 Replies to “Should the Mets be responsible?”

  1. I’m not going to comment specifically on this case, but I believe that sports teams have a responsibility to take reasonable precautions to make sure that some fans don’t spoil the experience of attending a game for those around them.

    This would include cutting off alcohol sales to obviously drunk people and ejecting belligerent fans.

  2. Some states hold bars liable if they are serving drunk customers and they go out drive drunk and get into an accident. So if thats the precedent then the mets are at fault for serving him.
    But on the flip side when are we as a society going to be responsible for ourselves and our actions?

    The Mets, Aramark and the guy who fell on her should all be held liable in this case in my opinion. The Mets as the establishment where the beer was sold. Aramark for not training their vendors better. In HS and college I worked in a Deli and I wouldn’t sell anyone beer who looked drunk.
    And the guy who fell on her should be sued for not being responsible for himself.

  3. Absolutely agreed. Team serving alcohol, team responsible. What a terrible injury. Can you imagine if this person fell on a child? The team owes it to its fans to create a safe environment. Clearly, not enough precaution was taken.

    While this subject comes up, what about maple bats?

  4. The fact that they tried to wiggle out of it says all you need to know about the people in charge in Flushing.

  5. Even beyond liability, this should be about responsibility. The guy who fell probably doesn’t have deep enough pockets to make a difference. A fan is a guest in the house of the Mets. The Mets have deep pockets. Give the lady 5 million. She’ll probably need it, at least as much as some of the deadbeats on the payroll will.

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