The Best and Worst Uniforms of All Time: The New York Mets | HardballTalk

Craig Calcaterra at NBC Sports is going through each team’s best and worst uniforms.  If you like my writing you’ll love his.

But while the blues may look terrible, I’ll go with the blacks being the actual worst. Why? Because they were obviously calculated to sell product whereas those blues were just the Mets getting on the multi-color 70s bus a bit later than everyone else

via The Best and Worst Uniforms of All Time: The New York Mets | HardballTalk.

Honor Among Bloggers:  I noticed this on Mets Blog who shouted out to me in their post.  Remind me if I ever gen pneumonia to ask Baron to fill in over here.

5 Replies to “The Best and Worst Uniforms of All Time: The New York Mets | HardballTalk”

  1. He is absolutely wrong. As was pointed out by one of those folks commenting below his story, the orange BP jerseys the Mets had were the worst EVER uniforms worn by the franchise. Also, as I’ve commented many times before, black should have been an original color (and it has now been part of the official color scheme for twelve years). Kind of agree about not having a black alt jersey, but do like having black in the caps and the outerwear (jackets, fleeces, etc.), and really don’t mind having it for sleeves/socks either.

    1. If black should have been an original color because of the Giants, then red should have been an official color because of the Dodgers and … seeing the intent of the original design, navy blue should have been an original color because of the Yankees.

      The only truly good thing about black is that orange sits well in it, witness the Orioles and Giants. It sits well in dark navy too, witness the Tigers. In electric blue though is another story, witness the Mets.

  2. The worst uniform ever was definitely the 1993 attached tail debacle. Not only did the Mets stink that year, but it was hard to watch them play in those hideous things. I actually had one because its new and I had to have it but it was horrible. The “METS” logo was too short to have a tail attached and the tail was too big and I hated how the “METS” was changed for it. I think the Mets should keep it simple. Creme Colored Pinstripes at home, grey new york on the road and no black in the jersey. Dump the white jersey and black jersey and black and black and blue hat. Have one hat, the blue one and keep the orange button.

    1. Agreed. There was an utter tastelessness there which typifies the Mets of the last 25 years. Clueless and tone deaf.

      I have to say, the worst for me were the non-creme colored pinstripes of two years ago. Busy busy busy. Clashing blue and orange. Mets written in blue, with orange around it creating a pop art buzz, then black shadow … just in case you didn’t notice. Then the number in the front with the same overarchitecture. Then the pinstripes. Then on the back, the number and crowded into a little space, long names with outline and dropshadow. A modern art masterpiece. All it needed was the racing stripes and the underline tail to confirm the disarray.

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