Thanks to everyone who sent in Mets Turkeys. I’ll roll those into a post tomorrow. Today I’m taking it easy because traffic will be way down and theres no sense in posting things that wont be seen.
Media Goon showed me a cool app for the iPad which will allow us to keep up in the technology war with Randy from The Apple which I decided to test for this post.
Using the app, I took these photos that Brian sent over. The left side is the current Mets “retro” uniform, and the right is a Photoshop of how much better the Mets uniform will look once the Wilpons realize that the gangs of East LA have had 15 years to buy black jerseys and that it is time to look professional.
For the first time this century the Mets are being perceived to have a professional organization, the attire should match. Even at the height of Pedro, Willie and Omar the team felt like they were playing a pickup softball game in Flushing Meadows. I like having marines and drill instructors in charge. Continue the culture change with the attire.

Actually don’t care if the chest script has black dropshadow or not (but think that since black IS an official color they should keep it), but in any case I am not a big supporter of pinstripes. Prefer Snow Whites for home and Road Grays for away.
The black drop shadow really isn’t that noticeable unless you’re standing next to the person wearing it.
Until we can get the Mets to eliminate black from their official colors, it might as well stay on all the uniforms.
It’s all the same to me. I’ll take the dropshadow over the black jerseys.
The black shadow shatters the aesthetic of the uniform. I’m not saying it’s a work of art to begin with, but I do not fail to recognize the black dropshadow for what it is.
I hate to say it, but clearly there are elements within the team community who are clearly beyond common, or even uncommon, sense.
And just to put it all in perspective, I noticed this afternoon that the most beautiful house on the Brooklyn Promenade (facing Mnahattan), the one on the corner which was used in Prizzi’s Honor (and my bro lived there briefly!) was raized and replaced with an odeous mid-70s looking structure with dense little apartments.
The drop shadow is vile. Just a pathetic attempt to sell more jerseys. I believe a no black jersey would outsell the vile ones at this point.
Black jerseys were an attempt to sell more jerseys. Black dropshadow in their home pinstripe uni won’t sway the avg customer, imo. I think it’s just bad taste. It’s more difficult to read. It doesn’t match the blue hat, socks, or shirt. It’s gratuitous noise, with some vague attempt to resonate black as a consistent aspect of their brand.
Ah, but the black does allow the black cap to be used. I’m not saying it should be either the black crown/blue bill or the all black, but having the black dropshadow does allow a further use of black elsewhere.
The black hat with the throwback jersey? Not even the Mets would try that. So, since we can probably agree that would never happen, it suggests that whoever is designing these things isn’t thinking on all cylinders.
Never underestimate the attempts MLB teams will go to for the almighty buck. Of course, they might try to have a “throwback” cap along the lines of what the NY baseball Giants used to wear (in the 30s and 40s they used to have no black in their uniforms, but blue instead).
Shades of Duffy Dyer.
If only Collins were a stirrup man!
CLEARLY the uniform WITHOUT the ugly drop shadow. I have no idea why they think it looks better with that tacky black nonsense on there.