Jeff Wilpon. Fire Helmet.

Media Goon took some great photos today including this one.

He’s more upstanding than I am and isn’t the type to suggest either a caption this photo contest or to even suggest that we’ll wind up dusting this one off in August unless Sandy is mighty crafty.

Lots of stuff in the last 24 so to make sure nobody misses anything:

PICS  Mets fighting fires.

PIC Mets hospital room


VIDEO Gee, Parnell, Thole

DIFFERENT PIC Jeff Wilpon, Firefighter

VIDEO Pelfrey at Citi Field

VIDEO Pelfrey at Citi Field part 2

I ask for your help

VIDEO Jose Reyes

PICS Citi Field Kids with players

oh yeah my pitch for How I Met The Mets

Thanks to the Goon for covering these events these past two days, and major thanks to the Mets for inviting Mets Police.

4 Replies to “Jeff Wilpon. Fire Helmet.”

  1. Jeff might want to keep that hat on if he goes to any of the Met Games this year!

    Well we don’t have to worry about the fire dept. having to evacuate any large crows from Shea 2 this year.

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