Mr. Met’s landing – EXACTLY what the Mets should be doing

My oh my how things are starting to change in Flushing.  Mr. Met’s landing is exactly the kind of idea that this franchise needs to do.

“Mr. Met’s Landing,” a new, specially priced area of the ballpark. Tickets in sections 338 and 339 in Citi Field’s Left Field Landing are $10 for kids 12 and under and $20 for adults ($20 and $30 respectively for four Marquee dates).  Mr. Met will visit both sections during every home Mets game.

Last January, I wrote this:

Blue Cap Army Seven Pack. 7 Saturday games and a blue Mets cap (with a corporate sponsor on the side).  $100-150ish.

Promenade Left.  Hang a Blue Cap Army sign to designate the section.  Make it a “thing.”  Engage the fans.   Start a tradition.

Have Mr. Met join us for the top of the first…we could start our own version of roll-call, but in our version we’ll leave out the left fielder because we can’t see him (sorry Jason).  Quirky but fun for fun’s sake.

I’m sharing that not to say my idea is better or worse or that I even inspired theirs…I just like their idea.

What the two ideas have in common are: branding a section as “cool”, Mr. Met, and an attempt to build community.

When I bring my kids to a game I want them to have fun.  I absolutely will consider sitting in these seats.  Are they the best in the park?  Nope.  Do I expect some of you to bust the Mets’ chops about that – yeah, I know you will, I get it, it’s fun and I’m one of the ringleaders of the razzing.

However, I think this is great.

Kids will dig Mr. Met, daddy saves a few bucks.

You get a 7 year old to like the Mets and he winds up buying jerseys and a thousand bucks on tickets when he’s all grown.

My kids will like it if the Mets win, won’t mind all that much if they lose, and don’t know about finances.  If they get to shake Mr. Met’s hand and daddy buys some ice cream then everyone has a great day and wants to come back.

Instead of some random empty sections, now it’s a “thing.”  Great move.  I hope we see more things like that – say bundling one Saturday game a month and issuing caps….

In case you are wondering where 338 and 339 are..


Now, Dave…Pepsi Porch.  Hasn’t quite caught fire yet….I think we can make something there, don’t you?

7 Replies to “Mr. Met’s landing – EXACTLY what the Mets should be doing”

  1. Mr. Mets Landing

    I sat in these seats last year. they’re actually pretty decent depending. It’s similar to the view from home, the CF camera is attached to the end of this section. And you can see into the Met bullpen bathroom.

  2. Its the Mets!…Did anyone really need a map to figure out that they are the wost seats in the house?

  3. It’s not a bad idea, and it’s a perfect area for families – they should have easy access to kiddie field out behind center.

  4. Seats are pretty decent. Took my father to a game in those seats in ’09. Incredible watching the centerfielder work from there.

  5. Well….after one day of going live with the sale of this new seating category the Mets Ticket Office has now limited it to 2 adults & 4 children per game. I guess these seats were TOO popular at that price!

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