Lady Met Bobblehead

Look what showed up in my inbox.  Pretty cool!

Lady Met was often seen with Mr. Met One, the large paper-mache headed fellow you can see in the Mets Museum.

She is apparently a different character than “Mrs. Met” seen here with Mr. Met Two (aka Swishy)

It is unknown if Mr. Met 1.5 was ever seen with Lady Met, Mrs. Met or with any lady mascots at all but that look in his eye makes me think he’s seen a few out of uniform.  Maybe that’s why the Mets got rid of him and brought in the softer version.


4 Replies to “Lady Met Bobblehead”

  1. Pumpkinhead could kick Swishy’s ass.

    And I bet he wouldn’t put his family in black-lettered caps, either.

  2. that was the lady met on the mets company letter head in the 70’s.
    i saw a mets”letter head t-shirt at a mets-giants game a few years back.
    she looks like lady gaga with a red head wig.

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