You own this Mets jersey: Bobby Jones

Robert emailed [email protected] and…

Hey Shannon,

Figured I would share this Bobby Jones (Righty) jersey with you. I bought it on Ebay last year for $15 dollars, which I consider money well spent. I figure its either a BP or fashion jersey from the mid to late 90s? Anyway I loved the use of blue, and figured it only added to the value that it had the name and number of Mets (semi) legend Bobby Jones on the back. A collectors item if I’ve ever seen one. Enjoy.

Throw a proper font on the back and I think you have a nice looking jersey!

One Reply to “You own this Mets jersey: Bobby Jones”

  1. Bobby Jones was one of the great Mets from a really bad period in their history.

    And I have a similar jersey, but without any name/number on it. it has my vote for the new style of Mets jersey.

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