Black Plague causing Mets to get sick?

Of course that’s a stupid headline.

It’s also stupid to dress your team in black believing that the uniform has anything to do with the win streak. Clearly a shirt is less influential than having Jason Bay in the lineup.

Meanwhile, Adam Rubin tells us about the illness running through the clubhouse which coincides with the current uniform madness. Obviously these are related. Did Ike Davis throw up during a game while wearing blue? Nope.

I’m actually rooting for the Mets to wear black tonight! Why?

Eventually this winning streak will end, and when it does I don’t want it to be blamed on blue. I hope they run off 30 wins, but let the loss in game 31 come in the plague so that we can get back to our goal of winning the World Series while dressed nicely.

The Daily News mentions that Terry Collins had the bug over the weekend but is feeling better.

3 Replies to “Black Plague causing Mets to get sick?”

  1. Right Now – BLACK is where its at!..As long as they keep winning they can play in their underwear!

  2. You disappoint me, Shannon. “Black unis even make Mets want to hurl” would’ve been a much better headline. 😉

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