Link: Uni Watch on Mets Stars and Stripes caps

Uni Watch commented at length about the Stars and Stripes caps, you’ll want to read it.

A lot of emotions are coming out over the last 48 hours…since this is all supposed to be fun I’d like to move on. We can discuss if a cap is attractive or not if you’d like, but the discussions over who is more patriotic than the next guy seem like no good will come of it. Hence my silly Giants post last night to break the mood.

Yes I know the Giants played in New York. I’m very well aware of it. Sometimes, I forget there’s lots of new readers around.

Anyway, Lukas came out swinging and I’m sure you’ll find it interesting.

One Reply to “Link: Uni Watch on Mets Stars and Stripes caps”

  1. Lukas is an @ss… he claims to be a Mets fan but bashes everything they do. This guy even finds a reason to bash Piazza. Yes, the Mets have made plenty of mistakes, and they haven’t been a good team for some time, but ugly or not, the Mets wore the cap to show patriotism and support for the Military as well as victims of 9/11. Who cares if it clashes with the uniform or if it’s ugly… it’s the message and show of respect that counts. For someone who claims to “get it”, I guess Lukas doesn’t get it at all…

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