One Reply to “Mets night game at the Polo Grounds photo”

  1. This picture made me think of this passage I quoted on FAFIF a couple of years ago after I visited Coogan’s Bluff:

    “It had been five years since a baseball was hit in anger at the Polo Grounds when the Mets got there,” longtime Post< reporter Leonard Shecter recalled lovingly in Once Upon the Polo Grounds, written in the aftermath of 1969. “It was old and crumbling. yet there was a style to the old place, and a feeling. This feeling was a mixture of joy and despair, just the ingredients that made up the new team that had come to give the Polo Grounds its brief respite from inevitable doom. From the very first day the Mets got there till they left it forever after two seasons, that was the emotional mixture and the Polo Grounds, joy and despair.”

    I love that description and I love that picture. Thanks for posting it.

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