Opening Day 1962 at the Polo Grounds

Mike sent this over: opening day 1962 mets first game at polo grounds…only 12000 was a cold rainy day..

And from the Mets archives from April 1962, this entry from my grandfather:

12,000?  We complained for 5 years that we didn’t have a team and only 12,000 of you show up?

I don’t like the Dodger Blue in the uniforms.  Everyone knows that the NY looks better on a black cap.  What goes better with orange than black?  Get the blue out of here.  It’s good to be back home at the Polo Grounds with the NY logo on the field.  I hope the stadium in Queens gets delayed for at least a year.

4 Replies to “Opening Day 1962 at the Polo Grounds”

  1. Why do we need those horrible pinstripes also? I have a great name for the new Queens stadium…City Field.

    1. Agreed. I’d be happy if they ditched the pinstripes or the other little stripey things on the home uni, and just went w plain white, period. Too Dodgers for some, but then again that insignia on the cap is all Giants, so it’s a fair split, and it will look better.

  2. The black ‘saturates’ the orange very nicely, which is why two teams use it. Orange is saturated pretty well by navy, as in the Tigers. With the lighter blue, it’s another story, but that’s what makes it, and NY, distinct. There’s nothing apologetic about NYC. And there’s definitely nothing apologetic about Brooklyn-Queens.

  3. i cannot stand the plain white home uni. they look like pajamas
    go back to the original pin stripes from the 60’s.

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