23 pictures of Giants AT&T Park

One day my travels took me to San Francisco. The ballpark is amazing, best one I’ve seen.

In San Franciscan “Promenade” means “beautiful seats near the water with a good view and no obstructed views.”  Unfortunately as we will see in a post later today, AT&T is not without it’s Howardian challenges.

The park also prominently features something called “New York Giants” which seems to have been a historic baseball team with a fellow named Ott.

I’ll tell ya, there’s a lot to like here – and if my career ever takes me to SF permanently you might see me regularly wearing a 1951 style NY cap.

I know it’s fun to bust on my crappy photography but these are pretty good (or the park is just that pretty) – treat yourself and do some clicking.

One Reply to “23 pictures of Giants AT&T Park”

  1. Willy Mays has always struck me as the consummate NYC baseball player. I was given fresh reminder of his connection to NYC when he led the SF Giants in their recent victory lap through Harlem and NYC. Doesn’t it stand in marked contrast to the aloof regard the Dodgers have held Brooklyn?

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