$5 Mets tickets coming to Citi Field

Cynical me says that August 1st is after the trade deadline…but then again the Mets aren’t home until then so what are they supposed to do?

One thing they could do is get the marketing/imaging together.  See the blue and orange?  Now look at the player’s dopey undersleeves.

3 Replies to “$5 Mets tickets coming to Citi Field”

  1. When Reyes got off the DL, they had $7 tix to honor the return of #7. Of course, there was also an $8 surcharge, I’m guessing as part of a get-well wish to Gary Carter, bringing the total to $15–a bon voyage message to Carlos Beltran. I haven’t tried to buy $5 Wright tix yet, but me thinks there’s an Edgardo Alfonzo tribute buried somewhere in that transaction.

    1. I just did. The $5 are actually $5.75 which is dumb because it opens them up to critiquing. There is “only” a $1 charge. Making the $5 ticket $6.75

      I’m not good at percentages but that seems like some # like 35% higher than you’d expect should you choose to focus on that and not the $6.75 admission price.

  2. Of course it’s dumb, there are advanced degrees of dumb that Mets marketing and sales people seem to excel in–but at least they’re not charging more than the ticket value to process the ticket. I was all set to buy last week (and then was ready to kick myself as Gee’s one-hit bid entered the fifth), but cancelled the order when I saw that the privilege of dealing with the NY internet sales office was worth more than the game on the field.

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