9 Replies to “Photos of the Mets exhibit at the Morris County Library Part 2”

  1. damn,some good stuff at that exhibit. i had 2 of the pennants. i have a the program from the 1969 NLCS. the one with the same regular season program cover art. the one displayed ,i never seen before. excellent coverage mets police !!!!!!!

  2. i enlatged the pic and i see it was the atlanta braves program. way cool none the less. makes me want to start my own mets exhibit for west coast mets fans. (as soon as i go through my garage). i have an ad with mets players holding up the world championship flag re creating the iowa jima statue.

  3. looking at the line up cards reminds me of back in the 60’s channel nine would show the actual line up cards written and signed by both managers…now that’s talking collectors items !!

      1. any time for a old school mets fan like you steve D.
        remember when at 7:30, “mets press box” hosted by don criqui,then at 7:45 “kiners korner’ ?

        1. That’s before my time…I do remember 8 PM night game starts and 2 PM on day games…oh and the SERVAL ZIPPER sign in the otfield distance.

  4. i remember looking at the zipper sign flashing during the night games watching the games on t.v..i wonder if that was a distraction to the hitters. love the pics from the mets year book show. too bad it is blacked out on my cable along with the games,mets fast forward and replay.i was at shea on fan appreciation day in 1972 collecting autographs when the camera man from W&W films trained his camera on me for about 10 seconds waving my mets ski cap. i wonder if it made the 1972 hi-lite film !!

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