I’m not excited about the batting title

Remember the last day at Shea?  We were so pumped.  Then the Mets lost, then the organization made us sit for half an hour while they meticulously lined up some signs, and then there was a ceremony that should have been awesome but we were too depressed to truly enjoy it.

That’s how I feel about yesterday.

Yesterday should have been a celebration of Jose (and his newly found magic ability to bunt for hits at will).  I didn’t like the one at bat thing.  Play.  Or Don’t play.

Did the game not matter?  Why leave Terry with one fewer player?

If he was tired, then sit out.

He could have come out in the 9th on defense to get an ovation.

He could have played 9 innings and been tired all winter.

I know that the cool kids are in “let it go” mode today, and it’s not like I am sitting here obsessing over it (I am more obsessed with how awful John Sterling was last night) – but I still don’t feel good about Jose’s last game as a Met.


One Reply to “I’m not excited about the batting title”

  1. The bottom line…I heard it said on MLB Network that last night was possibly the most exciting night in baseball history, given the way the wild card races ended…and for all the payroll the Mets spend (including to Bobby Bo), all we got was a lousy tainted batting title.

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