New comments system in place

Hello. I have switched the commenting system over to Disqus, which is what Metsblog uses and they are much better at blogging than I am so I am copying them.

You can post by logging in using Facebook, Twitter, Disqus, Google or Open ID – you’re probably logged into one of those anyway. If you can’t be bothered to log-in you can post but you’ll go into moderation.

To add a comment click where you always did (the bar at the bottom of the post).

You will also notice a new widget with recent and popular posts. Hopefully this will add to more discussions.

We’ve traditionally had a great comments section over here with few problems. Let’s keep it that way.

Steve D will be happy to know that he can post links.

Some of the comments from the old system are in the process of “moving over.” They should all get here soon.

I’m tweaking some other things as well, thanks for your patience as I get all the sizing and colors right.

And yes I’m trying to sell you jerseys. I get a commission if you buy through that link. Thanks for any consideration in that area.