Do you think my 8 year old is trying to be the next Mets GM?

Once again we headed down to my office at Mets Police HQ (an orange room decorated with various Mets memorabilia) for another interview with Junior.  I hope Dave reads this because when Sandy retires this kid seems to understand Moneyball.  Beloved Daughter was also in the room trying to elbow her way in to the conversation.

SS: How do you feel about Jose Reyes going to the Marlins?

Junior: Hmmm….he should have took the deal. 

Beloved Daughter: That’s a really stupid move for the Mets

Junior: I disagree.  The Marlins are paying 16 million dollars.  Why would the Mets pay 17 million? The Mets could not have kept him because of what the Marlins paid him.

So you think the Mets should have kept him?

Junior: They shouldnt have used the money on one player.

What about Pagan going to San Francisco?

I don’t care.

You don’t care or don’t care that he’s gone?

I don’t care that he’s gone.  

Like, every time he would hit a pop fly to the outfield.  If he was still on the Mets they should use him as a pinch hitter when there is a man on third and none out so he could hit a pop fly to the outfield.

Daughter: I wish there was still Lady Met (she was obviously distracted by the bobblehead in my office).

What do you think of the new center-fielder Torres?

Junior: I haven’t seen him work yet but how much did they pay him?

Good question.  (I look it up)  I don’t know.  He made $2.2 million last year.

Money well spent.

How about Frank Francisco the new closer?

He might be good but probably not as good as K-Rod.

What about Pujols going to the Angels for 10 years?

The Angels are lucky.  Did he get paid a lot?

$254 million.  Is that a good deal?



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