Awesome Mets jersey collection

Yesterday I mentioned that I was looking for a cool way to display my jerseys while having them still be available…Pete mentioned he has the same problem.


Man I need to get my hands on a road swoosh. They have aged well. I don’t want the Mets to change their uniforms ever again now that they have restored perfection, but as something to wear on the weekend I wouldn’t mind. I don’t suppose any of you are selling one? I also never got the orange BP. I didn’t have the disposable income back then.

I think today I will go blue swoosh. It’s funny, I was off all week and didn’t wear any Mets gear, and now that it’s Saturday I have the craving.

7 Replies to “Awesome Mets jersey collection”

  1. sew  them together and you got one hulleva bed quilt!… hey what are the black jerseys doin there ???

  2. Thanks guys! My wife (a Yankee fan) threatens to give them away to Goodwill from time to time….

  3. osh41 was supposed to get together with Metspolice to have a nerd out Mets jersey day but we didn’t.  Need to get that on the schedule

  4. That’s awesome.

    I kept telling you folks the road swoosh was cool.  Glad to know it’s finally setting in.  Shannon, mine a) won’t fit you, and b) has a better chance of being worn by me in my casket than ever being sold.

  5. Yes, everything is backwards on that jersey. I wear it when the team goes on embarrassingly long losing streaks…

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